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  • admin
    admin posted the thread Trans ADS Replacer in Cyberpunk 2077.
    Mod Author: Tipfy Plenty of mods replacing all ADS, but none that only replace those two. Installation: - Extract/place the...
    • trans_ads_replacer.jpg
  • admin
    admin replied to the thread White Saga.
    Ryoshu is definitely a unique community member 😆 :alien:
  • H
    himee replied to the thread Klan Replaces Wapiti.
    you idiots are so lost in your fuckboy fantasies it's pathetic. There are no warriors in this space. just sad ,pathetic nerds venting...
  • R
    Reincord replied to the thread White Saga.
    Well, it is fun to mock delusional retards, and this FagRyoshu fits the bill. Too bad we don't have more of them, yeh.
  • M
    MangoMike420 replied to the thread White Saga.
    I think its fun having Ryoshu here! Kappa. :)
  • L
    Luteos replied to the thread White Saga.
    Meh, your kind is already the most noose-hanging happy in the world by a considerable margin anyways, that highest suicide rate combined...
  • L
    Luteos replied to the thread White Saga.
    Holy shit this thing is still alive. And here I was thinking that Zuckerberg kissing Trump's ring and joining Musk in the MAGAfication...
  • M
    MangoMike420 replied to the thread Negro Remover.
    Bingo, large groups of any "race" or "tribe" prevents/hinders assimilation, as it is far easier to just form enclaves of your original...
  • L
    Luteos replied to the thread Negro Remover.
    My opinion is similar to the one of the admin, as long as the black - and dark-skinned immigrants in general - are willing to adapt to...
  • admin
    admin replied to the thread Negro Remover.
    probably some anomaly radiation if you take something like Japan, with 0.02% black population they tend to adapt the Japanese behavior...
  • G
    Guy replied to the thread White Saga.
    Interesting mod! What's the design philosophy or "need" you discovered in making / reposting this mod, that it is enhancing?
  • G
    Guy replied to the thread Negro Remover.
    Interesting mod. What are your opinions of Black people living in predominantly white places?
  • M
    MangoMike420 replied to the thread Negro Remover.
    Someone gonna explain to me why there are blacks in the Zone?
  • admin
    admin posted the thread Negro Remover in STALKER 2.
    Mod Author: islanddream All in game negro NPCs are removed, only a handful remain in pre-rendered cutscenes. Installation: Extract...
    • swede.jpg
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  • admin
    admin replied to the thread Historically Accurate Hogwarts.
    If HBO would actually cast a black Snape and you make a mod after, named something like "Accurate Snape" making him white and post it on...
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