Mod Author: Abbs1441
A paler, more palatable version of the Paladin.
A paler, more palatable version of the Paladin.
- Use DR2MM, drop the file in your DR2MM installation folder, under the mods folder.
E.G.: \Games Folder\Diablo II - Resurrected\D2RMM 1.7.3\mods - Open up DR2MM, then refresh the mods list if the mod doesn't appear. The mod should appear as a data mod in the list with the associated warning that this is not a DR2MM mod and may conflict. Ignore the warning, but make sure the mod is lower down on the list. Click 'Install Mods' and then run D2R.
- You should see the alternative appearance of the Paladin immediately during character creation (or if you already have a Paladin).