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Made a cool game for Steam. What anti-woke message do I put in it?


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27 May 2024
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So I'm pretty close to finishing my 5v5 online shooter game, which I will later publish on Steam. Since I'm pretty disguised with the current woke society, I was thinking of adding an anti-woke message in About section. This forum is probably the best place to ask what I should put there lmao? I still need the game to be published on Steam however (as well as Play Store and App Store). Go wild, but not very wild.

Screenshots of the game (you shoot with random items like toasters, pizza etc):
Screenshot 20240530 205146




Staff member
11 December 2023
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Edit: I have red the message incorrectly, missing the part that you want to add the text based stuff.
You could still add some super straight stuff, like thanking the super-straight community there.

You can put something like [super-straight] flags, it usually pisses hdtv+ people off, if they know about it :LOL:

You could also try to merge some ideas from CS, like bomb disarm thing:
One team hangs undesirable flags around the school/classes and the other team goes tries to tear them down, and vice versa.
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New member
27 May 2024
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Lmaooo, those are some funny ones. Not sure if Steam would allow that though, need to think. thanks 😂


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3 June 2024
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i love those recommendations XD
mine would be adding an anti-trans kids message
i dont remember what the # was on twitter but i can live with trans shit but the trans kid thing is completely fucked on so many levels.
confusing vulnerable youth to hate themselves, getting them sterilized and then leaving them to grow up with debilitating health problems and somehow considering that to be better for them


If you wanna go stealth mode, you could work a Christian angle.
“I want to thank the Lord for letting me make this game. May the lord keep me humble and help me abstain from Pride”.
bible thumping rhetoric bothers them anyways


honestly I think there's place for a few bisexual and pansexual flags, maybe even lesbian
There should also be "fuck the cishets" there

a "

maybe some pink, yellow, blue colors? they are used to tell these woke people to "be quiet"


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20 July 2024
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If you wanna go stealth mode, you could work a gay angle.
“I want to thank the gays for letting me make this game. May the gay keep me humble and help me abstain from God”.
Pride thumping rhetoric bothers them anyways


New member
27 May 2024
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Thanks for the suggestions! After 1.5 months I stayed with this message. It should still be allowed on Steam, while perfectly expressing my beliefs. Thanks again :)
Screenshot 2024 07 20 at 152109


1 June 2024
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Gay Limbus
religion is the cause of most wars, i would certainly consider that much worse than the "woke" stuff
Right? Also the brainwashing of children. My poor fiancee fell victim to it and is only just now waking up because they are making it difficult for us to marry. She's considered leaving it several times. I'm eventually going to stop telling her she doesn't have to XD


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3 June 2024
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Right? Also the brainwashing of children. My poor fiancee fell victim to it and is only just now waking up because they are making it difficult for us to marry. She's considered leaving it several times. I'm eventually going to stop telling her she doesn't have to XD
better then castrating children. at least religious kids have a chance to get out, Woke kids can't exactly re-attach their privates or undo the permanent damage from the dozens of experimental drugs their parents forced in them.
lets not forget how atleast with religion, the people seem happy while their there, i don't remember the last time i saw a "Pride" family genuinely happy.


1 June 2024
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Gay Limbus
better then castrating children. at least religious kids have a chance to get out, Woke kids can't exactly re-attach their privates or undo the permanent damage from the dozens of experimental drugs their parents forced in them.
lets not forget how atleast with religion, the people seem happy while their there, i don't remember the last time i saw a "Pride" family genuinely happy.
I'm genuinely happy, so Idk what you're talking about. My fiancee is miserable with church. Also remember that circumcision is a common religious practice so you aren't free from genital mutilation either.


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17 October 2024
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As do you, chode. "Love thy neighbor, unless they don't agree wcondition.
Not a Christian (really I'm a pragmatic Nihilist) but that's not what "repent" means.
Repent means to change ones actions.

Religion seems to be a very natural headspace for the human condition as are like 7000+ religions on the planet.

And a person can walk out of religion, especially in the modern world (though you would kinda need to know how to navigate yourself if it was in the arab side).

The unhappiness I generally see relating to religion. Is more associated with monotheistic religions and thier dogma as the rules are more strict on judgement of actions.

Even though Christianity is be believe in Jesus and automatically your sins are forgiven/you will go to heaven, there is still a lot of judgement on ones actions (and tiers to what you get in heaven due to those actions even though you go to heaven regardless of your actions)

But irrelevant of that, is the fact a lot of humans can't deal with pure nothingness of not believing in somthing, especially when they're not smart or exceptional and thier religion makes them feel part of somthing important and have a community (community aspect is very integral to religion).

I'm realy suprised by the fact you are in a homosexual relationship (up to thinking about marriage even) with a person who is Christian up to the point it's a strain on their psychology, even though you the person talk about it to them.

Like aren't you worried that her with her lack of willingness to leave, or have a more liberal (dictionary meaning of Liberal not political meaning) about her faith so it doesn't mentally strain her, might affect your relationship and she might even like open the Bible and see all the anti-gay stuff and end the relationship for her faith.

Big risk from my point of view.

PS: Circumcision is somthing disputed in Christian Circles. As NT Paul does say "Let those uncircumcised remain uncircumcised........etc" it's a Jewish practice originally, but is nothing like what the Trans community do themselves from either surgical Castration or chemical castration with how all that affects the body overall.
I'm circumcised, but my dick is fine, plus there are things to do to actually grow most of the forskin back over time with certain tools, it's just I'm lazy as it's basically a penile exercise with tools.
Even my close friend was like he's too lazy to do It also.


1 June 2024
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Gay Limbus
Not a Christian (really I'm a pragmatic Nihilist) but that's not what "repent" means.
Repent means to change ones actions.

Religion seems to be a very natural headspace for the human condition as are like 7000+ religions on the planet.

And a person can walk out of religion, especially in the modern world (though you would kinda need to know how to navigate yourself if it was in the arab side).

The unhappiness I generally see relating to religion. Is more associated with monotheistic religions and thier dogma as the rules are more strict on judgement of actions.

Even though Christianity is be believe in Jesus and automatically your sins are forgiven/you will go to heaven, there is still a lot of judgement on ones actions (and tiers to what you get in heaven due to those actions even though you go to heaven regardless of your actions)

But irrelevant of that, is the fact a lot of humans can't deal with pure nothingness of not believing in somthing, especially when they're not smart or exceptional and thier religion makes them feel part of somthing important and have a community (community aspect is very integral to religion).

I'm realy suprised by the fact you are in a homosexual relationship (up to thinking about marriage even) with a person who is Christian up to the point it's a strain on their psychology, even though you the person talk about it to them.

Like aren't you worried that her with her lack of willingness to leave, or have a more liberal (dictionary meaning of Liberal not political meaning) about her faith so it doesn't mentally strain her, might affect your relationship and she might even like open the Bible and see all the anti-gay stuff and end the relationship for her faith.

Big risk from my point of view.

PS: Circumcision is somthing disputed in Christian Circles. As NT Paul does say "Let those uncircumcised remain uncircumcised........etc" it's a Jewish practice originally, but is nothing like what the Trans community do themselves from either surgical Castration or chemical castration with how all that affects the body overall.
I'm circumcised, but my dick is fine, plus there are things to do to actually grow most of the forskin back over time with certain tools, it's just I'm lazy as it's basically a penile exercise with tools.
Even my close friend was like he's too lazy to do It also.
I like you, you're willing to actually discuss things.

I may be HomoRyoshu, but that's just for shits and giggles. IRL I'm a bisexual man, in a heterosexual relationship. She's always had a strained relationship with the church (Catholic school almost killed her), and part of it is she likes the idea of heaven and the afterlife.

We've discussed the difference in our beliefs and we have come to an agreement. I don't have to convert, and I don't interfere with her practice, and attend church with her occasionally. We went out of our way to get a wedding approved by her church so she didn't have to receive penance.

As for circumcision, yes it's a primarily a Jewish practice, however it's still exceedingly common in Western civilization, regardless of faith. I don't agree with the practice personally, I think it's a needless procedure primarily performed on newborns.

Finally, yes you can leave religion, but you can also leave "LGBT" if you want to view it as one. People do detransition, or separate from the LGBT community. Sure in some cases there's permanent "damage" to both the body and/or reputation (cancel culture is a joke), but the same could be said of certain religions (it is not safe to leave Islam in Muslim countries from what I hear.)


New member
17 October 2024
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I like you, you're willing to actually discuss things.

I may be HomoRyoshu, but that's just for shits and giggles. IRL I'm a bisexual man, in a heterosexual relationship. She's always had a strained relationship with the church (Catholic school almost killed her), and part of it is she likes the idea of heaven and the afterlife.

We've discussed the difference in our beliefs and we have come to an agreement. I don't have to convert, and I don't interfere with her practice, and attend church with her occasionally. We went out of our way to get a wedding approved by her church so she didn't have to receive penance.

As for circumcision, yes it's a primarily a Jewish practice, however it's still exceedingly common in Western civilization, regardless of faith. I don't agree with the practice personally, I think it's a needless procedure primarily performed on newborns.

Finally, yes you can leave religion, but you can also leave "LGBT" if you want to view it as one. People do detransition, or separate from the LGBT community. Sure in some cases there's permanent "damage" to both the body and/or reputation (cancel culture is a joke), but the same could be said of certain religions (it is not safe to leave Islam in Muslim countries from what I hear.)

I did mention "you do need to know how to navigate yourself in the arab side".
I know about islam, half of my country are islamic and it's a general rule to not talk about it to them except you want to risk your life, because they have a greater tendency to kill you for speaking against and have killed people for speaking about Muhammad for instance.

There's a reason so many terrorist groups are islamic.

Christians in comparison will just say somthing about Jesus, Hell or whatever and eventually just get tired.

(The Traditional religions where I am, don't really care, since they got used to the results of hundreds of years of colonisation and a bunch of thier Gods are in British museums. )

But it is still easier to leave religions now than any other period in history, and especially in the west.

As for your partner, kinda peculier she didn't leave to one of the other denominations, christianity has about 30,000 denominations in total and the protestent ones (as long as it's not charismatic speaking in tongues ones) tend to be less mentally straining as it's mostly just believe Jesus and don't sin, on that side , going to church isn't even mandatory as the sabbath is OT traditional law and stuff.
Seems she's very "human" having the constant fear of death keeping her beholden to her faith.

Btw I know circumcision is very prevelent in western culture, it's very prevelent literally everywhere and while it sucks, it is a bit reversable though as I said.
I was circumcised and I read on what to do to reverse it, I'm just not in the mood to be that constant about it.

Maybe later in life I'll bother with it.

In comparison You can't reverse cutting off body parts or the numerous amout of problems steroids/hormones and castration drugs do to you.

Like if you get Heptacellular Carcinoma from TRT what exactly are you doing with yourself, hoping that they can cut the tumour out before it spreads.
Only people that can really detransition in earnest are the ones who were just wearing dresses, mimicking voices, wearing wigs, everyone else is permanently fucked.

Your Biology is you, you mess that up and you deal with it till you die, so leaving religion is not the same as my Biology being messed up, being medically dependent trying to manage a weakened body system in a shortened life span.
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