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Kingdom Come Delivered


Staff member
11 December 2023
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The Kingdom Come Delivered mod adds multiple changes to the game.

Kc delivered

  • Bartosh dialog option removed
  • Hans dialog option removed
  • No unhistorical characters (reskinned, renamed, recodexed, redialoged)
  • Rosa can romance her regardless whether or not you complement her intelligence without being a woman, just be a brave based good knight Chad and pick the right decisions and dialogs as she is a girl so seduce her
  • Katherine can romance her regardless whether or not you are macho/bravado, just be a brave based good knight Chad and pick the right decisions and dialogs as she is a girl so seduce her
  • Kiev spelt correctly
  • Codex more informative and fact checked on certain historical topics
  • Found translator information in files (~/Libs/Tables/skald/translator.xml)
  • Found out developers tried to obscure the fact that you would sleep with Bartosh, may be evidence to prove infiltration of Warhorse or Embracer sneaking in woke developers into WH, with code comment inside of: (~/Scripts/Quests/Final/Barbora/trosecko/utokNaNebakov/hibernovana_gameplay/na_troskach/porada_s_bergovem/bartos/pojdme_si_spolu_uzit_vecer.xml)
  • Edit/delete voice lines using AI tools to reconstruct voice
  • Fix dialog if doesn't make sense for say Zikmund Huler or make the girls more friendly and appealing
  • Fix start menu continue button @ui_help_modded_saveui_help_loadgame (minor bug)
  • Fix ~/Barbora/kutnohorsko/papezkyLegat/dobyvani_ruthardky/rozina_komnata/dialog_s_rozou_pres_dvere.xml dec2 showing up as the path when step away from door and press Q, instead of UI text (normal game bug among many like if you dong walk through doors on some quests and talk to person you get stuck behind door or above floor and can't open doors so have to reload and do that sequence again) (minor bug)
  • Sometimes lighting is not set correctly in some areas (normal game bug - devs just forgot it happens)
  • After saving lady Ruthard Vaquelin says God be with you Godwin at the table and Henry has option to reply?? (Bug?)
  • Polish mod/dialog options, maybe Bartosh dialog removal can be redone

  1. Open the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 game directory/installation folder.
  2. Create a New Folder and name it Mods.
  3. Place the archive contents inside the ‘Mods’ folder.


  • Kingdom_Come_Delivered.rar
    68.4 MB · Views: 10
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