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Angrboda Fixed 1.0


Staff member
11 December 2023
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admin submitted a new resource:

Angrboda Fixed - 3D Model File

Mod Uploader: Comic Fan

Uploader comments:
The model was a PS5 rip, and posted online. I modified it, and saved it in FBX format. You or someone else must figure out how to put her into the game, because I don't own it! I'm not a fan of the gow series. I did this because I don't like (modern day) Soyny or SBI!

Note: The photos above were...

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New member
28 May 2024
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Well done. Of course, it was banned from Nexus. People trying to discuss it (whether in agreement/disagreement with the mod itself or its removal from nexux) on the Nexus subreddit even got banned. smh


New member
10 December 2024
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Well done. Of course, it was banned from Nexus. People trying to discuss it (whether in agreement/disagreement with the mod itself or its removal from nexux) on the Nexus subreddit even got banned. smh
So making a norse mythology caharacter a nigger is okay, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?
Who taught that a nigger shitbird would ever be more beautiful than a white redhead?!


New member
28 May 2024
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So making a norse mythology caharacter a nigger is okay, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?
Who taught that a nigger shitbird would ever be more beautiful than a white redhead?!
Seems you need reading-comprehension and emotional control. The former might promote the latter. Either way, attempts to hijack my ideas won't fly.

"Well done" is a compliment that usually means "good job". When I wrote "well done" to the releaser of this mod, I suggested that it is good for the mod to be made available for public use, which brings me to why I like this site: it is open about what it is, and it respects modding culture within its stated confines. Whenever a mod is banned from some other site (like Nexus, whose weak moderators tend to only bans mods for "woke" reasons), I can come here with a reasonable expectation of finding the mod. Examples of banned mods I came here to find included Hot Mary Jane and No Pride Flag mod in Spiderman (still waiting on the Hot Mary Jane though; they made her ugly in MSM and worse in MSM2), and the Traditional Marriage/No Same Sex Marriage mod for Skyrim. I'm sure you probably hate the No Pride Flag and No Same Sex Marriage mods since they remove your representation from the games, but you have a right to your opinion, so I won't fight you about it. I admit it's true that some weak people join the site just so they can shout their hatred without fear of being banned, but it's a fair trade for me. Why? All mods should be available on public platforms that host mods, and that includes mods that people may not like. That's the value I find on this site.

Since you failed to extract that obvious meaning from my original comment, I'll translate my original comment for you: "Hey, ComicFan, it's good that you released this mod for GoW. It's not available on Nexus, and the fragile-spined moderators on the r/NexusMods subreddit are banning anyone who even so much as mentions the mod. They would've probably banned the mod even if it didn't have "Fix" in the title, but that just gave them an easy way to ban it. That's not right, so I'm glad that you made the mod available here."

Welcome to your first day here, btw, a potential safe space where you won't be banned for your expressions, and where weak ideas will be confronted.

Now to answer your question
"so making a mythology caharacter a nigger is okay, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?"

For my game, I would prefer for Norse characters stay Norse in the new GoW games because it's more fitting to the gameworld, and also because I'm not a fan of raceswapping for the most part. How a character was originally written is how they should be. It's part of respecting someone's intellectual property, and why I'm glad the mod exists. Often, it's no big deal if the raceswap is actually precedented, well-written, and/or skillfully portrayed (e.g., Samuel L Jackson for Nick Fury and Michael Clark Duncan for Kingpin were acceptable. On the other hand, I especially despise raceswapping when it is only an attempt to score woke points (Michael B Jordan for Guy Montag and Halle Bailey for Ariel were not acceptable), which is often evidenced either by a revision of the original writings to justify the raceswap, or (worse) an attempt to find subtle holes in the original myths (or even holes in common understanding of history, for that matter) about the character to justify the the raceswap.

For your game on your pc, however, the original raceswap is a great idea, simply because you hate anyone who isn't white (although I'm not sure if that also applies to east asians). How will the original raceswap help you deal with your hatred of black people? Glad you asked. Replacing a redheaded character with a black character won't teach you or help you in any way. In fact, it'll probably only induce rage and remind you how brown babies keep getting implanted into "your" women, but the idea of you raging against your own machine is hilarious.

If your question was simply "so making a norse mythological character black is accepted, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?"

Then here's your answer: both types of mods (making a white and redheaded character black or making a black character white and redheaded, or even making them green or purple for that matter) are good for whoever wants either version of the character in their game, and neither should be banned. Why? People play games, and people who install mods want to play the game the way they want to play it, and they want their game's world to appear the way the prefer it. That's the purpose of mods, and to ban any of them from the public sphere goes against that purpose.

To your next question: "Who taught that a nigger shitbird would ever be more beautiful than a white redhead?!
Seems like you may be asking two questions.

If you meant "thought", then the answer is a most of the planet, evidenced by the low numbers of people with the recessive redhead gene, passed through breeding. In other words, redheads are unseldomly ruled out for breeding practices, or natural selection, both of which are based on preference. They're simply not chosen as a whole that often by the rest of the planet. Ironically, the women, especially when attractive, get snatched up pretty quickly, or at least they get ran through often (though the gene may not pass through to their offspring). Sadly, it's the redheaded males who are sparsely chosen. It's not very fair for redheaded men. Most women, including redheaded women, do not find redheaded men attractive, and they don't prefer them over other men, basing their preference (or lack thereof) on the idea that the redheaded male's pheromones informed them that redheaded males possess some form of degenerative DNA (the olfactory sense interprets this as "smelling like a brother or cousin" and sends the message to the subconscious), suggesting that inbreeding occurred within four generations of the redheaded male, rendering them undesirable as a mate. Perjorative terms like "redheaded step-cousin", used to mean "illegitimate," "undesirable," or "inbred," reinforce this negative conception. It's truly unfair, likely untrue, very prejudiced/racist against redheaded men, and it parallels your attitude toward black people.

ANSWER 2: If, by "taught", you actually meant taught (i.e., "past tense form of teach"), then you're the one who taught them. How? Your self-hatred, stemming from a lack of self knowledge - which motivates your expressions - teaches anyone who deals with you exactly how the fragile-spined person acts and, as a consequence, what exactly causes people to feel repulsed by fragile-spined people like the Nexus moderators, racist liberals, and you (yes, you all share the same self-loathing hatred). By a matter of comparison, people who deal with you will naturally assume that whatever you're not must be good (i.e., the opposite of fragile is strong and therefore preferable). In other words, after anyone encounters the behavior you exibit, they desire nearly anything that is dissimilar to you. Are you a male? They'll prefer not male. Are you X ethnicity? They'll prefer not X ethnicity. Are you short? They'll prefer not short. Fat? Not fat. Unkempt? Clean. It's a natural, scientifically proven, reflexive feeling. It's called disgust, which quite often leads to prejudice. Much like some of the woke ideas that are correctly despised on this site, you cause disgust, which may then be misdirected toward anyone who has anything in common with you.

Before you respond with some more of your feelings, or some form of "I won't read all that", remember: staying within the context of the presented ideas may give actual weight to your words, but you can't have context without comprehension. Also, review your spelling before clicking the "Post reply" button.


New member
10 December 2024
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Seems you need reading-comprehension and emotional control. The former might promote the latter. Either way, attempts to hijack my ideas won't fly.

"Well done" is a compliment that usually means "good job". When I wrote "well done" to the releaser of this mod, I suggested that it is good for the mod to be made available for public use, which brings me to why I like this site: it is open about what it is, and it respects modding culture within its stated confines. Whenever a mod is banned from some other site (like Nexus, whose weak moderators tend to only bans mods for "woke" reasons), I can come here with a reasonable expectation of finding the mod. Examples of banned mods I came here to find included Hot Mary Jane and No Pride Flag mod in Spiderman (still waiting on the Hot Mary Jane though; they made her ugly in MSM and worse in MSM2), and the Traditional Marriage/No Same Sex Marriage mod for Skyrim. I'm sure you probably hate the No Pride Flag and No Same Sex Marriage mods since they remove your representation from the games, but you have a right to your opinion, so I won't fight you about it. I admit it's true that some weak people join the site just so they can shout their hatred without fear of being banned, but it's a fair trade for me. Why? All mods should be available on public platforms that host mods, and that includes mods that people may not like. That's the value I find on this site.

Since you failed to extract that obvious meaning from my original comment, I'll translate my original comment for you: "Hey, ComicFan, it's good that you released this mod for GoW. It's not available on Nexus, and the fragile-spined moderators on the r/NexusMods subreddit are banning anyone who even so much as mentions the mod. They would've probably banned the mod even if it didn't have "Fix" in the title, but that just gave them an easy way to ban it. That's not right, so I'm glad that you made the mod available here."

Welcome to your first day here, btw, a potential safe space where you won't be banned for your expressions, and where weak ideas will be confronted.

Now to answer your question
"so making a mythology caharacter a nigger is okay, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?"

For my game, I would prefer for Norse characters stay Norse in the new GoW games because it's more fitting to the gameworld, and also because I'm not a fan of raceswapping for the most part. How a character was originally written is how they should be. It's part of respecting someone's intellectual property, and why I'm glad the mod exists. Often, it's no big deal if the raceswap is actually precedented, well-written, and/or skillfully portrayed (e.g., Samuel L Jackson for Nick Fury and Michael Clark Duncan for Kingpin were acceptable. On the other hand, I especially despise raceswapping when it is only an attempt to score woke points (Michael B Jordan for Guy Montag and Halle Bailey for Ariel were not acceptable), which is often evidenced either by a revision of the original writings to justify the raceswap, or (worse) an attempt to find subtle holes in the original myths (or even holes in common understanding of history, for that matter) about the character to justify the the raceswap.

For your game on your pc, however, the original raceswap is a great idea, simply because you hate anyone who isn't white (although I'm not sure if that also applies to east asians). How will the original raceswap help you deal with your hatred of black people? Glad you asked. Replacing a redheaded character with a black character won't teach you or help you in any way. In fact, it'll probably only induce rage and remind you how brown babies keep getting implanted into "your" women, but the idea of you raging against your own machine is hilarious.

If your question was simply "so making a norse mythological character black is accepted, but to reverse it back to a beautiful redhead with green eyes is not? WTF?"

Then here's your answer: both types of mods (making a white and redheaded character black or making a black character white and redheaded, or even making them green or purple for that matter) are good for whoever wants either version of the character in their game, and neither should be banned. Why? People play games, and people who install mods want to play the game the way they want to play it, and they want their game's world to appear the way the prefer it. That's the purpose of mods, and to ban any of them from the public sphere goes against that purpose.

To your next question: "Who taught that a nigger shitbird would ever be more beautiful than a white redhead?!
Seems like you may be asking two questions.

If you meant "thought", then the answer is a most of the planet, evidenced by the low numbers of people with the recessive redhead gene, passed through breeding. In other words, redheads are unseldomly ruled out for breeding practices, or natural selection, both of which are based on preference. They're simply not chosen as a whole that often by the rest of the planet. Ironically, the women, especially when attractive, get snatched up pretty quickly, or at least they get ran through often (though the gene may not pass through to their offspring). Sadly, it's the redheaded males who are sparsely chosen. It's not very fair for redheaded men. Most women, including redheaded women, do not find redheaded men attractive, and they don't prefer them over other men, basing their preference (or lack thereof) on the idea that the redheaded male's pheromones informed them that redheaded males possess some form of degenerative DNA (the olfactory sense interprets this as "smelling like a brother or cousin" and sends the message to the subconscious), suggesting that inbreeding occurred within four generations of the redheaded male, rendering them undesirable as a mate. Perjorative terms like "redheaded step-cousin", used to mean "illegitimate," "undesirable," or "inbred," reinforce this negative conception. It's truly unfair, likely untrue, very prejudiced/racist against redheaded men, and it parallels your attitude toward black people.

ANSWER 2: If, by "taught", you actually meant taught (i.e., "past tense form of teach"), then you're the one who taught them. How? Your self-hatred, stemming from a lack of self knowledge - which motivates your expressions - teaches anyone who deals with you exactly how the fragile-spined person acts and, as a consequence, what exactly causes people to feel repulsed by fragile-spined people like the Nexus moderators, racist liberals, and you (yes, you all share the same self-loathing hatred). By a matter of comparison, people who deal with you will naturally assume that whatever you're not must be good (i.e., the opposite of fragile is strong and therefore preferable). In other words, after anyone encounters the behavior you exibit, they desire nearly anything that is dissimilar to you. Are you a male? They'll prefer not male. Are you X ethnicity? They'll prefer not X ethnicity. Are you short? They'll prefer not short. Fat? Not fat. Unkempt? Clean. It's a natural, scientifically proven, reflexive feeling. It's called disgust, which quite often leads to prejudice. Much like some of the woke ideas that are correctly despised on this site, you cause disgust, which may then be misdirected toward anyone who has anything in common with you.

Before you respond with some more of your feelings, or some form of "I won't read all that", remember: staying within the context of the presented ideas may give actual weight to your words, but you can't have context without comprehension. Also, review your spelling before clicking the "Post reply" button.
Nice, but chill.

1) Not a native english speaker - grammar mistakes happens.

2) Am I a racist? Yeah, I am, sort of, partially I guess. Thankfully I live in a country, where I can be one and nobody give a damn or cancel me or put me in jail for not bending my knee to a nigger or some bullshit like that, because in my country we still have so sables of freedom of speech.

3) Don't hate other races, only niggers. Because they came to my country, they don't pay taxes, they rape women, they murder kids, and they steal. Government do shit, cause EU pays a lot of contribute to keep those monkeys in my country, so niggers think they can do anything they want. Also, they stink like a sewer, and they can't and don't want to learn the language.

Lastly, you chill.
My opinion, my words.

Just wanted to thank the mod author for a a great mod.
Which actually wouldn't be needed if not for a blm/sjw morons an thoose: "Oh but this is racism. All are equel. We need to live in harmony".

Instead got a goddamn essey, Jesus.


Nice, but chill.

1) Not a native english speaker - grammar mistakes happens.

2) Am I a racist? Yeah, I am, sort of, partially I guess. Thankfully I live in a country, where I can be one and nobody give a damn or cancel me or put me in jail for not bending my knee to a nigger or some bullshit like that, because in my country we still have so sables of freedom of speech.

3) Don't hate other races, only niggers. Because they came to my country, they don't pay taxes, they rape women, they murder kids, and they steal. Government do shit, cause EU pays a lot of contribute to keep those monkeys in my country, so niggers think they can do anything they want. Also, they stink like a sewer, and they can't and don't want to learn the language.

Lastly, you chill.
My opinion, my words.

Just wanted to thank the mod author for a a great mod.
Which actually wouldn't be needed if not for a blm/sjw morons an thoose: "Oh but this is racism. All are equel. We need to live in harmony".

Instead got a goddamn essey, Jesus.
That's so fucking based. I wish more of us eurocucks thought like that but normies prefer to be raped/robbed/killed than to be "offensive".


New member
10 December 2024
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That's so fucking based. I wish more of us eurocucks thought like that but normies prefer to be raped/robbed/killed than to be "offensive".
Dude, so not cool.
Let's just say that your sexual preferences doesn't concern anyone.

It's not an offence if it's truth. If they cancel you for speaking facts, it only means they are morons. Still, thank God, I live in a country that has no laws against freedom of speech, like a fucking US has!


anyone able to finish this mod and actually make it a working mod yet? ill drop 5$ on patreon for coffee if anyone does


Staff member
11 December 2023
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It's not a full functioning mod, but a 3d model files. No one, at least to my knowledge, has made a proper mod of of them yet.
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